"Technology that generates Sustainability"

Logo Perfect Flight

Perfect Flight

Consulting/Advisory Softwares
City/State: São João da Boa Vista/SP
Main Phone: +55 19 3631-0748
Main E-mail: 

Galeria de imagens

About the Exhibitor:

Perfect Flight is the world’s first and most complete aerial spray management and traceability platform, with more than 17 million hectares processed in 5 harvests.
Through cloud computing and mobile application, Perfect Flight makes agricultural production more efficient and sustainable, contributing to the preservation of the environment, food safety and rural communities.
With high technology, data security and precision, through maps and indexes, the company’s systems are present in more than 100 cities in the main agricultural states in Brazil, as well as in Latin America. Perfect Flight has an office in São João da Boa Vista (SP), Brazil, and also in the USA.